
Tagged “visual”

  1. bechdel butch woman

    - Alison Bechdel (Fun Home)

  2. The Long Leg

    hopper the long leg

    - Edward Hopper

  3. Moby Dick

    moby dick gerard dubois

    - Gerard Dubois

  4. Breaking Home Ties

    rockwell breaking home ties

    - Norman Rockwell

  5. Shiner

    rockwell shiner

    - Norman Rockwell

  6. The Problem We All Live With

    rockwell the problem we all live with

    - Norman Rockwell

  7. vewn bride

    - vewn

  8. vewn firing squad

    - vewn

  9. vewn full house

    - vewn

  10. vewn girlsnight

    - vewn

  11. vewn warzone

    - vewn

  12. Bee Orchid

    xkcd bee orchid

    - xkcd

  13. Helping

    xkcd helping

    - xkcd

  14. How it Works

    xkcd how it works

    - xkcd

  15. Useless

    xkcd useless

    - xkcd

  16. Wikipedian Protester

    xkcd wikipedian protester

    - xkcd

  17. How To Look At Art

    barry how to look at art

  18. The Globe Shrinks

    krueger the globe shrinks

  19. A Feminine Touch

    shea a feminine touch

  20. Thirty-six Views of the Moon

    ebtekar thirty six views of moon

  21. Joy Division, The Moonlight Club, 4 April 1980, West Hampstead, London, England

    king joy division

  22. Four Darks in Red

    rothko four darks in red

    - Mark Rothko

  23. That's Ms. Bulldyke to you!

    Caminos mr bulldyke

  24. Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn

    weiwei dropping a han dynasty urn

all tags

abstract art article autism bechdel brecht cope depression disco elysium donelan essay family fascism feminism german headspace history language lesbian lgbt love meta minigames movies music photography poem poetry poland politics quote robot rockwell sappho short story shrine star trek vewn visual war wikipedia work xkcd